LiveNXQuick Start GuideDownload PDF
LiveNX Quick Start Guide : Section 1: Deployment planning : Server sizing requirements for LiveNX
Server sizing requirements for LiveNX
LiveAction provides flexible deployment options to cater to your diverse hosting requirements, whether they are on-premises or in the cloud. The simplest method to deploy LiveNX is using the virtual appliance method. As mentioned earlier in this document, all LiveNX appliances are self-contained and do not require installation of any additional software for it to operate. Choose the LiveNX virtual appliance format that suits your underlying hypervisor (ESXi, Hyper-V or KVM).
LiveNX is available in four flavors for scaling purposes – Custom (POC), Small, Medium, and Large. All flavors can be scaled by adding additional compute, memory, and storage to get to the next level. Thus, a POC deployment can be converted to a production deployment without having to recreate a new LiveNX instance. To start things off, we will be deploying the LiveNX Server - Custom flavor, which provides the ability to monitor 25 network devices. The Custom flavor is also provided as part of the 14-day trial experience of LiveNX.
For additional details related to sizing and installation, please reference the LiveNX Administration Guide. In case of a larger deployment, please contact your LiveAction Representative at or LiveAction Support at 408-217-6501 for further assistance.
A Custom (POC) virtual appliance would require the following server sizing specifications.
Disk Space
ESXi or Hyper-V